2014. június 20., péntek

Berlin 2014. - Viva Literatura!

Szabadon szállok két lufival a kezemben, madarakat megszégyenítő magasságban 
az AirUlrike légitársaság gépén. 
Ezért az "U" betű a gép függőleges vezérsíkján…:) azaz a végén.
Körülöttem repülőgépek kiadókkal, szervezőkel, művészekkel, gyerekekkel, emberekkel 
akikkel Berlinben találkozom.
Az idő pedig szeszélyes. Talán ha a megfelelő helyre állok, 
nem zúdul a nyakamba egy kósza, nyári zápor.

I am flying with two ballons in my hands, birds ambarrasing height by AirUlrike flight. 
Therefore the letter "U" on the vertical stabilizer (the end:) of the airplane.
Around me there are some airplanes with publishers, organizers, artists, libraries, children, people with whom I meet in Berlin.
The weather is whimsical. Maybe if I am in the right place 
not descend into my neck a stray shower of rain.

2014. június 12., csütörtök

!!! Beautiful Hungarian Book Award !!!

Children's Book category

2014. május 27., kedd

viva literatura! Children´s Literatures from Central and Eastern Europe 15 – 20 June 2014, Berlin

"...Festival of Children’s Literatures from Central and Eastern Europe” in June 2014. Outstanding children’s book illustrators will present their work in diverse ways. We look forwrad to the illustrators Katarzyna Bogucka (Poland), Pavel Čech (Czech Republic), Piret Raud (Estonia), Damijan Stepančič(Slovenia), Zina Surova (Russia) and Mari Takács (Hungary)."

Exhibition “viva literatura!” in the Alexanderhaus at Alexanderplatz
"From June 14 to July 12 runs the exhibition viva literatura! to the corresponding festival of childrens literature of Central and Eastern Europe in the Alexanderhaus at Alexanderplatz in Berlin. In this building which is protected as a historic monument you can find six positions of illustration from Central and Eastern Europe these days, and it affords us an insight into their visual artistic work.
Imagery between a great tradition and an outstanding technical realization meets here in a striking high artistic expression:
Piret Raud from Estonia shows us her delicate, airy drawings; this way of drawing we will also find in the work of the Hungarian Illustrator Mari Takács – but she hands these delicate designs and thoughts completely different, by creating a contrast with intense colours and surfaces. Damijan Stepančič from Slovenia shows his imaginative visual ideas in the firm technique of coloured drawing, while the russian artist Zina Surova composes the content by using a variety of materials and the collage technique. The works of the Polish illustrator Katarzyna Bogucka are modern and powerful in shape and colour, and yet in details they remind of times long past. Beside this, the athmospheric, traditional looking backgrounds of the Graphic Novels of Pavel Čech from the Czech Republic seem almost enchanted and not of this world.
The meeting of these different artists and their nations shows the viewer a cultural variety in a small space and visualizes the festival decisively and sensitive at the same time."

2014. április 9., szerda

Révész Emese írása A Londoni mackók c. könyvről az origo-n


2014. március 16., vasárnap

Az S betű jelmezben/Letter S in costume

"S" betű hal- és kutyajelmezben./ Letter S in fish- and dog costume.

Pungor András: Kárókaresz és Angyalandi c. készülő könyvéhez.
Pagony Kiadó 2014.
